Our School
Located in the southeast sector of Ottawa, Canterbury High School is a hub of creative activity for over 1100 students. It is a school with a 50+ year tradition of excellence made up of students in the Academic Program from our local community, and students who have auditioned for one of the specialized Arts Canterbury programs.
Students in the Arts Canterbury program enrol in one of the following art disciplines:
- Dance (Classic or Venture)
- Drama
- Literary Arts
- Music (Vocals, Strings or Winds/Brass/Percussion)
- Visual Arts
There is rich diversity in the school population that is respected and encouraged. As a result, the students are motivated, creative, energetic and committed to their studies, their school, and their community. The extra-curricular clubs and athletic teams at Canterbury lends balance to both academics and arts.
Our goals are to nurture excellence in our students by challenging them with the best of the academic, artistic, and athletic worlds, and to help students become well-rounded individuals who care about and understand our greater community.
Canterbury students live throughout the Ottawa region. They form a diverse and culturally rich group spanning all socio-economic backgrounds and, as a result, are very accepting of each other's differences and needs. All students are encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life. Our graduates return on a regular basis to share their experiences in the world of work and academics. We are proud of their successes.
Canterbury is fortunate to have over 110 teachers, educational assistants, technicians, custodians and administrative and support staff members who are dedicated professionals, committed to providing students with an educational experience of the highest quality. All are highly trained in their individual fields of expertise and bring both theoretical and practical knowledge of their disciplines into the school. They work together and across disciplines to enable our students to achieve at the highest level possible.
CHS is accessible for the physically challenged. Students who have difficulty with stairs receive an elevator pass from the Main Office.
Our facilities include computer labs, a library, a cafeteria, science labs, a communications technology studio with video and audio recording capabilities, 4 drama studios, 3 dance studios, a fully-equipped auditorium, music rooms for vocal, string and wind instruction, visual art rooms with separate photography, ceramics, drawing/painting and printmaking areas, a large gym, a weight room and a cardio workout area.
Programs & Services:
Canterbury provides a full range of academic programs. These include:
- The Extended French program which leads to the OCDSB Extended French Certificate and, potentially, a DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) Certificate - an internationally-recognized test of French proficiency for persons whose first language is not French.
- Business SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major)
- Arts SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major)
- Spanish language classes
- A comprehensive CO-OP (co-operative education) program that allows students to gain experience in the world of work while at the same time earning valuable credits.
Students in the four-year Arts Canterbury program receive instruction in their chosen art discipline (dance, drama, literary arts, music or visual arts) on a daily basis in addition to a full academic load.
Canterbury is a semestered school and students attend four classes per day. Classes run on an alternating Day 1 / Day 2 schedule which you can find here.
Students are enrolled in 8 courses per year in grades 9, 10, and 11 with the option of 6 or more courses in grade 12. However, with the Extended French and the Arts Program, most students enrol in 8 courses throughout their high school years at Canterbury.
The majority of Arts Canterbury Courses are full-year courses. Exceptions are in the Visual and Music disciplines.
Special Education
PSP - The Physical Support Program is for exceptional students with pronounced physical disabilities. The focus of the program is to provide an inclusive learning environment while ensuring learning and personal care needs are met.
BIP - The Behaviour Intervention Program is for exceptional students with intensive behavioural needs. The focus of the program is to provide a structured learning environment and an opportunity to develop appropriate pro-social behaviours.
LST - Learning Support Teachers assist students who have been identified as requiring special education support.
SST - The Student Success Team supports students experiencing difficulty with the academic program.
Clubs are an important means of developing specific interests and there are always new groups emerging in response to students' requests. At any time during the school year, there are a multitude of student-initiated clubs and activities operating throughout the day.
School-wide participation in the arts is encouraged during school and after hours through coffeehouses, arts festivals, film festivals, performance assemblies, music performances, school plays and exhibitions.
Canterbury participates in an extensive variety of athletics in both individual and team sports. These range from sports such as basketball and volleyball to ultimate frisbee and rowing.
Canterbury operates on a credo of courtesy, respect for another person's dignity and commitment. Academic excellence, attendance, and punctuality are top priorities.
The school encourages and expects that students will respect themselves, others, the environment and the learning process.
Our Code of Behaviour was developed by students, staff and parents. It is reviewed with students at the beginning of each school year.
This tradition of excellence operates within a safe and caring learning and work environment.