Arts Canterbury

Arts Canterbury

Arts Canterbury, established in 1983, is a specialized Program of the Arts in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Students who thrive in this program have a deep love of the Arts. This program helps students enhance their skills in a challenging and supportive environment. Entry to the Arts Canterbury Program is by audition only.

The Arts Canterbury Program offers students the opportunity to fulfill their high school graduation requirements while studying one of these five Art disciplines in depth:

"The Wallflower" is a TGG3M student-produced web magazine. View it here:

Were you accepted for the next School Year?

Welcome to Canterbury HS!

Yearly Arts Fees

The Canterbury Arts Program requires a yearly arts fee of $250 per student. This fee pays for professional quality art supplies and services, guest artists and accompanists.  Art supplies include items such as stage lights, cameras, microphones, dance studios, visual arts supplies (clay, glaze, paint, brushes, etc.), musical instruments, musical instrument repairs, and maintenance, licensing fees and much more.

Fees are charged via School Cash Online after your student starts school in September.

Financial subsidy is available for those who require it. To discuss an alternative method of payment contact